Balancing between collective interest and individual wishes

Healthcare & Public sector


Balancing between collective interest and individual wishes

Healthcare is important in the Netherlands. Prosperity and well-being are outcomes of a healthcare sector that does the right thing with good management and good leadership.

The administrative challenges require a different type of leadership. Reflective. Adaptive. Resilient. Vulnerable. Leaders who are simultaneously clear about the direction being taken in a context of continuous change and transformation.

The modern healthcare administrator seeks a balance between collective interests and individual needs, between financial considerations and solidarity and between central guidelines and customization. In doing so, they utilize the opportunities provided by innovation, digitalization and collaboration.

We identify and appoint leaders who have a vision for the changes in healthcare and who also possess the execution strength to actually realize plans. Additionally, we select non-executive directors who advise, inspire, motivate, and discipline the executive directors where necessary.


Practice leader

Tineke Serlie

Managing Partner

Healthcare & Public sector

06 3890 0894

Caroline Goedvolk

Managing Partner

Real Estate | Healthcare | Family businesses

06 5382 7916

Public sector

Public leaders in the spotlight

Currently, citizens have high expectations of the public sector and government. The current societal challenges in the areas of housing, education, healthcare, geopolitics and sustainability are complex and demanding.

Effective public leadership addresses these challenges and maintains a strong connection with society. The leadership is: Proactive. Visionary. Connected. Adaptive. Reflective.
It is important to have a good understanding of what concerns citizens in society and to make the right connections in a timely manner.

We select and place suitable executive and non-executive directors in the (semi) public domain with the right experience and competencies that match complementarity within their team and the context of the organization.

Practice leader

Tineke Serlie

Managing Partner

Healthcare & Public sector

06 3890 0894

Inspiratie & Nieuws


Henri den Boer, Lid RvC bij Salland Zorgverzekeraar

Wij zijn verheugd met de plaatsing van Henri den Boer die per 1 januari 2025 is gestart als RvC lid bij Zorgverzekeraar Salland waar hij zitting zal nemen in het Audit en Risk Committee. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat Henri van zeer grote toegevoegde waarde zal zijn en wensen hem


Arjan Bol, Algemeen Directeur bij Betaalvereniging Nederland

Arjan Bol is per 1 april 2025 benoemd tot Algemeen Directeur bij Betaalvereniging Nederland. Arjan Bol heeft ruime ervaring in de financiële dienstverlening in het algemeen en in het betalingsverkeer in het bijzonder. Hij was eerder onder andere verantwoordelijk voor betalingsverkeer bij ING Nederland en bekleedde diverse functies bij Mastercard,

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