We inspire talent in the field of technology and sustainability

Financial services


Leaders for transition

The banking sector has reinvented itself, primarily through technological advances. However, the traditional business model requires an update, focusing on innovation, sustainability, technology and inclusivity. Collaboration between banks and fintech is becoming increasingly important, which requires new leadership skills.

We play a crucial role in this transformation, not only at traditional banks but also in adjacent sectors such as payment service providers and regulatory authorities.

Boundaries between traditional and emerging sectors are blurring, which requires an integrated approach. We challenge and inspire talent in technology and sustainability, while also focusing on the future of work and developing new generations of leaders in the financial sector, including leaders in private equity and family offices.

Practice leader Banks

Begga Berben


Financial services

06 1091 2862


Agility & digitalization

In the search for effective innovators in the insurance sector, we regularly discover valuable talent outside traditional boundaries. Structural changes, fueled by disruptive technologies, are forcing insurers to become agile and digitize.

The rise of 'InsurTech' and digital technology will play a crucial role in the future of this sector. Insurers must adapt to declining premium volumes and increasing competition through innovation and cost reduction.

Successful insurers will be those who can adapt to technological opportunities and changing customer needs, while striking a balance between internal talent and external expertise. We play an active role in building a team of leaders who together have the optimal combination of skills and experience.

Practice leader Insurances

Begga Berben


Financial services

06 1091 2862


Leadership during and after the pension transition

The Netherlands is undergoing a major transition of its pension system. In the new system, participants receive a more up-to-date insight into their own pension assets. This offers opportunities for more intensive contact between the funds and the participants. Participants expect the same convenience from their pension fund that they now experience with their banking and online purchases. Meeting these expectations requires investments in new technology, data quality, different skills and greater agility.

Pension management and asset management are growing closer together. For asset management, the focus is shifting from balance sheet management to setting up more individual life cycles. In addition, participants expect attention to be paid to sustainability when investing their pension assets.

The desired changes lead to further professionalization and consolidation of the pension sector. TEN is helping to build the teams in the pension sector that successfully realize these changes.

Practice leader Pensions

Tim Kamphorst



070 512 1933

Daan Heijting


Pensions | Asset management | Professional services

06 8107 7851

Asset Management

ESG, Globalization and Digitalization

Due to increased competition and transparency, the asset management sector is experiencing downward pressure on fees. This leads on one hand to further scaling up, consolidation, and internationalization, and on the other hand to specialization and a focus on value-adding activities and outsourcing of other activities. Since solutions are often only found on an international scale, asset management has become a global business. In addition, asset managers are increasingly integrating ESG expertise into their investment processes.

The changes in the asset management sector demand a lot from the leaders of these organizations and their regulators. TEN supports clients in the European asset management sector in building strong leadership teams that are equipped to successfully meet these challenges.

Practice leader Asset management

Daan Heijting


Pensions | Asset management | Professional services

06 8107 7851

Inspiratie & Nieuws


Henri den Boer, Lid RvC bij Salland Zorgverzekeraar

Wij zijn verheugd met de plaatsing van Henri den Boer die per 1 januari 2025 is gestart als RvC lid bij Zorgverzekeraar Salland waar hij zitting zal nemen in het Audit en Risk Committee. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat Henri van zeer grote toegevoegde waarde zal zijn en wensen hem


Arjan Bol, Algemeen Directeur bij Betaalvereniging Nederland

Arjan Bol is per 1 april 2025 benoemd tot Algemeen Directeur bij Betaalvereniging Nederland. Arjan Bol heeft ruime ervaring in de financiële dienstverlening in het algemeen en in het betalingsverkeer in het bijzonder. Hij was eerder onder andere verantwoordelijk voor betalingsverkeer bij ING Nederland en bekleedde diverse functies bij Mastercard,

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